The main objective is to create wines of the highest quality, without neglecting the teachings of tradition. Thus, tasting Romano & Adamo wines, one can easily perceive the great value attributed to experimentation while preserving typicality.
Born into a family where producing wine is a sort of genetic inheritance, the cousins Bernardo Romano and Pietro Adamo strongly wanted to transform what until a few years ago was a passion, strictly linked to the cultivation of some family-owned vineyards and the sale of wines, in a real industrial project: the rediscovery and valorization of the native Calabrian vines and in particular those of the Cirò DOC area, through careful research which, starting from the vineyard, follows all the production phases up to vinification and bottling. The main objective is to create wines of the highest quality, making use of the most modern technologies without neglecting, at the same time, the teachings of tradition. Thus, by tasting Romano & Adamo wines, one can easily perceive the great value attributed to experimentation while preserving what is the main characteristic of each product, i.e. typicality.